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Digestive Care
Digestive care and cleanse: It has long been known to help the body’s ability to digest nutrients and eliminate waste. The more efficiently your body performs these functions the healthier you are likely to be. Your body’s digestive system is a major contributing energy factor to your immune system..
We can help the body to improve a healthy and strong digestive system, with support by encouraging to help digest foods, absorbed nutrients and eliminates waste. We can also help the body with a healthy nutritional guide, eating fresh, balance and healthy foods and also with a professional nutritional supplements recommendations for support the whole digestive system, include the recommendations for balance the Gl Flora.
Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
- Rebuilding of the brain-gut connection
- Restoration of bowel motility
- Repair of the gut wall
- Rebalancing of gut bacteria
- Removal of wastes, irritants and allergy triggers
- Rehydration of the large intestine
- Help with weight loss
- Speeds up metabolism
- Decreases gas and bloating
- Helps with acne problems
- Helps reduce constipation
- Helps improve your immune system
- Reduces symptoms associated with IBS
- Chronic Fatigue
- Removal of yeast overgrowth (candida), Parasites
Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy:
- Acute fecal impactation
- Constipation
- Colitis
- Diarrhea
- Parasitic infection
- Atonic colon
- Abdominal distention/flatulence
- Hemorrhoids (mild to moderate)
- Intestinal toxemia
- Fever
Preparation for Diagnostic Study of the Large Intestines:
- Surgery under prescription and direct physician supervision
- Diverticulitis
- Ulcerative colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Early pregnancy (up to 4 months)
- Barium enema
- Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy
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Total Body Detox Programs
We can help the body eliminate waste from the large intestine to assist the detoxification process with colon hydrotherapy. In addition, we can also help the body eliminate waste with electro-lymphatic therapy, ionic foot therapy, and nutritional supplements and herb. Detoxification is the natural process of filtering wastes from the cells, organs and bloodstream. Cleansing is the process of eliminating toxins from the body. When these processes function normally, optimal health can be achieved. The five organs responsible for the detoxification and cleansing process are the liver, skin, lung, kidneys and bowels.
Toxicity of the colon can manifest itself in many ways.
Eletro-Lymphatic Therapy
The basis for electro-lymphatic therapy is to increase the flow of fluids in the body, mostly the blood and the lymph. It work by producing an energy field that is applied to the surface of the skin. The energy moves through the tissue and knocks electrons off of body cells in the body giving the cells a negative charge and are attracted to the fluids flowing through blood and lymph. The Lymphatic system affects many areas of the body. The Lymph system runs throughout the body, meaning that anything wrong with the lymph system can affect the entire body.
Balancing Women's Health Issues:
We offer a complete balance for women’s issues. This includes hormones balance with our Homeopathic Hormones Rejuvenation system which is designed to balance hormones using non-toxic homeopathic remedies in place of other natural or synthetic hormone replacement . We cover the step necessary to prepare the body to heal and rejuvenate its own hormones. The first step is to remove the blocks of healing , the second is to detox the body and establish a healthy diet and lastly it is the use our Homeopathic Remedies to balance hormones, emotions and nervous system
Holistic Nutrition
We help guide and teach you how to eat balanced foods including anti-inflammatory diet, anti-candida diet, alkaline diet to work in Acidic Body Vs. Alkaline Body. Also understanding how to combine foods and the type of alkaline foods and Acidic foods in order to have a Holistic Body balance. “ EATING HEALTHY “
Weight Management
Keeping body weight in balance is not easy. We can help keep body weight in balance with all our services. When the person eats healthy, a cleanse can eliminate waste completely to have a healthy digestive system.
Stress Management
Stress is one of most harmful issues of our bodies. This stress levels cause inflammation and acute problems. Our stress meridian therapy protocols (Bio-Trucker) in a clinical setting, can help to assist the body and balance.
Ionic Foot Therapy
An Ionic Foot therapy is a gentle way to help the body eliminate heavy metals and harmful toxins. It detoxifies the liver and gallbladder, help in the elimination of yeast overgrowth.